
BESM Retro Second Edition RPG plus BESM 4E Expansions

Created by Dyskami Publishing

After being out of print for over 20 years, the Big Eyes, Small Mouth multi-genre anime RPG is back in a Retro Second Edition!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Half Way to $60K Stretch Goals and $20 in BESM Gifts! Plus Ending Preparations
8 months ago – Tue, Feb 20, 2024 at 06:58:18 PM

A flurry of recent new pledges and pledge increases has pushed BESM campaign funding to over $55K, or half-way to the two gifts (worth $20 in value) unlocked at $60K. There’s still a full day remaining before the campaign ends tomorrow (Wednesday February 21st). Thank you for seeing this Kickstarter through its final days!

Preparing For The Campaign’s End

With only hours remaining in the campaign, we thought providing you suggestions and reminders about what you can do to prepare for the end would be helpful.

Check Your Credit Card For Space

Kickstarter will charge the credit card you entered when you made the pledge promptly after the Kickstarter ends at 10 pm EST (-5 GMT). Why not double check NOW to ensure you have enough credit space available so your pledge funding isn’t denied? If you need to use a different card with more credit space, you can easily make that adjustment now as well (see instructions below).

Adjust Your Pledge To Get Everything You Want

If you need to use a different credit card, or you want to add on items to your pledge, or you want to change your pledge tier (perhaps from a lower tier to the $175+ COMPLETIONIST tier or above to qualify for those awesome bonus stretch goals!), here are the easy steps to follow:

  • Visit the Kickstarter campaign page and log in
  • Click the green “Manage Your Pledge” button at the top of the page
  • Click the blue “Update Payment Method” button at the top if you need to enter a different credit card
  • Click the blue “Change Your Pledge” button at the bottom if you want to select a new tier or add on items
  • Select the new pledge tier that you want, or keep the one you have – then press the green “Pledge” button
  • Select any new add ons that you want to include with your pledge, then click the green “Continue” button at the bottom
  • Read through the summary of changes to ensure everything is correct, then click the green “Confirm Changes” button

The BIG Problem With AppleID Private Relays

If you use an AppleID with the Private Relay feature to login to Kickstarter (for those who log in with their ApplePay account, rather than a normal username and password), you may not receive your BackerKit survey email when we send them in March. We cannot ship your rewards or send your DriveThru download codes until you complete your survey. It would be ideal if you instead change your Kickstarter login email address NOW to an actual real email address instead. (To do this, click the button in the top right corner, select “Settings”, then change your email address.)

If you prefer to not do this, however, you’ll need to contact us directly after the BackerKit surveys are sent with your actual email address so we can manually process your survey email link. It’s not difficult, of course, but it may delay you receiving those awesome BESM digital rewards that are part of your pledge.

Create a DriveThruRPG Account

If you don’t have a DriveThruRPG account, you won’t receive your digital PDF rewards. Why not create an account NOW if you don’t have one (at It’s best if your DriveThru account email matches your Kickstarter account email – you can easily change your Kickstarter email address at any time – but not required.

In March, we will be sending DriveThru PDF download codes to your Kickstarter email address. If your DriveThru email matches your Kickstarter email, these download codes will also appear in your DriveThru inbox even if the email we send it send to your spam folder (which sometimes happens, especially if you have a Hotmail email account). Otherwise, you may not automatically receive your download codes when the other backers do, and we’ll need to work with you to retrieve the download codes that we sent to your Kickstarter email address.

We hope this handy guide helps make finalising your BESM Retro Second Edition and BESM Fourth Edition expansions Kickstarter pledge easier. If you have questions, post them in the comments section or email us at [email protected].

Two $50K BESM Stretch Goals UNLOCKED Plus 48-Hour Push
8 months ago – Mon, Feb 19, 2024 at 05:03:29 PM

Your dedication over this long weekend paid off! Campaign funding has crashed through the $50K threshold which means two stretch goals are now unlocked:

  • The BESM Retro Second Limited Hardcover Edition will now be bound with three convenient satiny bookmark ribbons instead of just one; and
  • The Denizens of the Multiverse Deck will sport an elegant UV spot coating overlay onto the box and the 4”x6” cards will be printed on a thicker, more durable card stock.

Thank you all your support to make this happen!

48-Hour Push Stretch Goals

We are approaching the final 48 hours of the campaign, which ends at 10 pm EST on Wed Feb 21st. Lots of new and returning eyes are expected to check out the campaign during this period, and we want to give a strong final push. That’s why we are unveiling two new stretch goals today that will unlock should funding reach $60K in the next couple of days.

First $60K Stretch Goal: Free BESM Character Folio

The BESM Character Folio for is an awesomely detailed character sheet, bookkeeping tool, and adventuring journal for your BESM Fourth Edition campaigns. Upon reaching $60K in funding, the campaign will reward all backers pledging $100+ with a free print copy of the BESM Character Folio. This stretch goal will add an extra $10 of value to your pledge as our thanks to you.

Second $60K Stretch Goal: Collectible Enamel Half-Dragon Anime Pin

During a two-week period in May 2020, we ran a BESM Fourth Edition Race Template Battle through fan polling on the Facebook group. After several elimination voting rounds, one of the winning Race Template of the contest was the talented and playful Half-Dragon.

If the campaign reaches $60K in funding, every backer pledging $175+ will receive a gift from us: a collectible enamel pin featuring Kina Tenam, the magical Half-Dragon from BESM Fourth Edition realitypunk Prime World of Imago (as presented in BESM Dramatis Personae, page 54). We sell this pin for $10 at game conventions (like Gen Con) and on our web store, but $175+ backers will receive it for free with our thanks.

Upgrading Your Pledge

If you’ve been thinking about upgrading your campaign pledge – perhaps to the featured $175+ COMPLETIONIST tier or to add-on some additional products – now is the perfect time! Once you log into your Kickstarter account, click the green “Manage Your Pledge” button at the top. After you click the blue “Change Your Pledge” button, you can select an alternate pledge tier or add-ons. It’s that easy!

Can the campaign reach the $60K milestone over the next two days? With your support and signal boosting of the campaign link, we’re confident it’ll happen! Thanks again. 👍

Another BESM Retro Template and Monster Sneak Peek
8 months ago – Fri, Feb 16, 2024 at 07:45:39 AM

Happy Friday, backers! The campaign is now less than $4K away from unlocking two great stretch goals at $50K funding. Will it happen this weekend?

As mentioned in Update #6, a significant expansions in BESM Retro Second Edition compared to BESM 2E from over two decades ago is the addition of player character templates and monster builds. Today, we’re unveiling a sneak peek at one additional BESM Retro character template and one more monster build.

Template: Samurai

The Bushido Code demands that the samurai hold themselves to the ideals of justice, courage, benevolence, politeness, veracity, honour, and loyalty. They are virtuous warriors that seek perfection at the edge of their blades, tempering their spirits in the heat of combat and honing their values at the same time that they sharpen their swords. They enter combat with aplomb and deadly calm, hesitating to unsheathe their katana because once they do, they are honour-bound to finish a battle for good or ill. The most experienced samurai can seemingly infuse their souls into their weapons and cut through steel and stone as if they were paper.

Samurai Template (25 Points)

➡️ Stats

Soul +2

➡️ Attributes

Damn Healthy! +1, Extra Attacks +2, Focussed Damage (Swords) +3, Heightened Awareness +3, Highly Skilled +3, Kensei (Blind Fighting, Chanbara Master, Judge Opponent, Katanaspace, Lightning Draw, Two Weapons) +6, Special Movement (Zen Direction) +1

➡️ Defects

Attack Restriction (Bushido Code) +2 BP

Monster: Goblin

The smaller cousins of hobgoblins and bugbears, goblins are inherently lazy, selfish, greedy, and unfocussed. They crave power, yet lack the will to act on their desire. Though they are individually weak, goblins band together in substantial gangs to take what they want and destroy what they don’t. Goblins form strict hierarchies based on strength and power. Might makes right, though sometimes cleverness and guile can overcome mere muscles when convincing a band of followers. They enjoy the pain and suffering of other humanoids (including members of rival goblin tribes), and frequently torture their captives before eating them. Goblin lairs are simple and unadorned, with few furnishings. If their homes attract too many invaders and thus become too dangerous, goblins will simply soon move to another location.

Goblin Game Stats (20 Points)

➡️ Stats

Body 6, Mind 3, Soul 3

➡️ Derived Values

ACV 3, DCV 1, Health Points 75, Energy Points 30

➡️ Attributes

Damn Healthy! Level 3, Features (Night Vision) Level 1, Focussed Damage (Spear or Bow) Level 1, Heightened Senses (Hearing) Level 1, Light Armour Level 1, Personal Gear (Weapons and equipment) Level 1, Sixth Sense (Select one enemy Species) Level 1

➡️ Skills

Listening Level 1, Melee Attack Level 1, Melee Defence Level 1, Sneak Level 1, Wilderness Tracking Level 2, Wilderness Survival Level 1

➡️ Defects

Not So Strong 1 BP

Let’s keep the campaign momentum going as you have a terrific weekend!

BESM Ikaris Sneak Peek – College of Harpers
8 months ago – Tue, Feb 13, 2024 at 08:59:41 AM

With 8+ days remaining, over 400 backers have pushed campaign funding past the quarter point on the way to the two $50K stretch goals! As we enter the final week, let’s give you another sneak peek into some BESM Ikaris content with a brief section on the world-famous College of Harpers.

Harper History

Ikaris was in grave peril when the first Empire of Azar fell. It was a time of chaos, grievance, and war. Raiders from other Prime Worlds saw the land of magic and spirit as a vast resource ripe for exploitation. Gatekeeper Nisirelia and her friend Philo Pontius used the tradition of musicians serving as subtle diplomats and turned it into the Harpers’ Guild. Throughout the time of the second Empire, Harpers settled disputes, united heroes, and protected Ikaris from the Moloch Crusade. Every Guild Master was an ally of the Weaver’s Accord.

The first Azari Civil War caused a rift in the Harpers’ Guild. Its members were divided on whether to unite the World’s nations or become a force that connected them despite their differences. Ikarian leaders came to associate the Guild with the unity faction, increasing numbers of them resenting Harper influence. When the faction that accepted Ikaris’s state won out, they re-organised into the College of Harpers.

Harper Structure

While the Harpers only have a school for prospective members, they make use of the motif for most structure and ranks.

  • Students use the simple term Apprentice.
  • Upon graduation and initiation, the newly minted Harper becomes an Associate.
  • Docents have reached the equivalent of tenure. Harpers consider this the rank at which a member has proven themselves courageous and responsible.
  • Rectors are the leaders of the Harpers. These senior members comprise less than 10% of the College members.
  • Master Harper Miguel Gomez is the College’s highest-ranking Rector and the Ikaris Gatekeeper.

“You see,” said Miguel, with Card shadowing Master Harper’s footfalls down a long, winding tunnel, “the College of Harpers is the sole remaining global organization on Ikaris, with our agents deployed across the continent—and beyond, too!”

“I thought the library—err, Grand Archives of Elucidation—also served all of Ikaris,” replied Card.

“Erudition.” Miguel chuckled softly, his tone lightening. “The Harpers are prized across the lands, and not just for our musical prowess. Many consider us to be reliable advisers, arbiters, diplomats—and even peacekeepers. We are here to maintain the balance between certain, uhh, concerns, one might say.”

“And what concerns would those be?” asked Card, feeling emboldened by the Master Harper’s informal, friendly manner.

“Stick around and perhaps you will find out, hmm?”

[Abbreviated excerpt from Ikarion Quest – Book Two in the isekai LitRPG trilogy offered in this Kickstarter]

Harper Activities

Harpers are respected adventurers throughout most of Ikaris. Only vile organisations like Absolute Dominion and the Damnation Horde are openly hostile toward the College. They drive off raiders, hunt feral monsters, serve as diplomats and arbiters to settle conflicts, referee important tournaments, and offer their abilities as seers to those in need. For all their myriad types of service, Harpers are best known for protecting Ikaris from other planes of reality. While College tradition encourages Harpers to gather or join adventuring bands, there are a few all-Harper teams defending Ikaris together.

Most Ikarian keys who are not captives of raiders from Imago, Bazaroth, or the Dominion have contacts with the Harpers. Oaths of secrecy about the Web never apply to keys for obvious reasons. Since most keys must remain close to their World Gates as part of their duties, few become Harpers themselves. Keys are often part of the College’s intelligence network. They report on those who pass through their World Gates, anyone who seems interested in strange activity in their area, and anything that appears to be an interdimensional menace.

Thank you for joining up and supporting this latest BESM Kickstarter. We’re confident you’re going to love these four new BESM-related releases!

$40K Stretch Goal Unlocked – With Two More Coming at $50K
8 months ago – Sat, Feb 10, 2024 at 10:00:51 AM

It’s Saturday, and your generous support has unlocked the $40K stretch goal – with 11 days still to go in the campaign! Thanks to you, Tri-Stat designer Mark will generate stats for 12 additional BESM 2E monsters, and we’ll send a free PDF download to all backers at the $19 ADOPTER tier and above. You can never have too many monsters!

The next threshold at $50K is a big one, so we’re offering the opportunity to unlock two stretch goals instead of just one. 😱

First $50K Stretch Goal: Triple Bookmark Ribbons

A lot of backers are either pledging for higher tiers that include the BESM Retro Second Limited Hardcover Edition, or they are adding the upgrade option for their softcover. We want to make that Limited Hardcover Edition quite special since it won’t be available for general purchase in retail stores, so the first stretch goal at $50K is another convenient physical upgrade: we will print the Limited Hardcover Edition with not just one sanity bookmark ribbon but with three bookmarks instead (in black, silver, and gold). That way, you can mark several important places in the book at the same time for quick reference during character creation or game sessions.

Second $50K Stretch Goal: Denizens of the Multiverse Deck Upgrade

Let’s keep the physical upgrades coming! If campaign funding reaches $50K, we will have the additional resources to doubly upgrade the BESM Denizens of the Multiverse Deck. First, we’ll add an elegant UV spot coating overlay onto the logo and characters so it matches the look and feel of BESM hardcover books, including BESM Ikaris (since you unlocked that stretch goal at $30K). Second, we will upgrade the 4” x 6” cards in the Denizens Deck to a thicker, more durable card stock. These two upgrades will turn a great product into an awesome one, so we hope the campaign will make it possible.

Once again, we really appreciate all the support you’ve shown the campaign in the first half – and we look forward to seeing what you’ll do throughout the second! Enjoy the rest of your weekend.